This is a touching story of two young koala joyes from Australia’s Symbio Wildlife Park that got a second chance at life.
Harry was 6 months old when his mother tragically died of Leukemia. After consulting with veterinary staff and industry professionals, they made the decision to hand-rear Imogen, who was the oldest and strongest of the two. In doing so, the team would be able to use Imogen’s mom, Kelly, as a surrogate for Harry.
This is how Matt and Kylie became the proud foster parents of baby Imogen. Cute little Imogen acted like any other baby, she kept them awake through the night, snuggling and climbing on them, she loved to be cuddled and a very strong bond was created between them.
“Hand-raising Imogen has been the most challenging and rewarding thing we have ever achieved,’’ told Kylie Elliott. “It hasn’t been an easy journey raising a joey with nocturnal habits and sharp claws. I definitely have a new respect for koala mothers.”
It must have been difficult for them to separate from the little adorable baby 3 months later. Both Imogen and Harry grew healthy and they had to be encouraged to become independent. So little by little they started to explore the koala sanctuary
The images from the video below are so touching that will melt your heart!